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Eversole, K., Rogers, J., Keller, B., Appels, R. and Feuillet, C. 2017. Sequencing and assembly of the wheat genome, in, Achieving sustainable cultivation of wheat, Vol. 1, P. Langridge, ed, Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, Chapter 2 Pp. 25-52

Feuillet, C., Rogers, J. and Eversole, K. 2016. Progress towards achieving a reference genome sequence to accelerate the selection of improved wheat varieties, in, The World Wheat Book: A History of Wheat Breeding, Vol. 3, A. Bonjean, W. Angus, and M. vanGinkel, eds., Lavoisier, Pp. 965-99.

Frédéric Choulet, Mario Caccamo, Jonathan Wright, Michael Alaux, Hana Šimková, Jan Šafá?, Philippe Leroy, Jaroslav Doležel, Jane Rogers, Kellye Eversole, Catherine Feuillet (2014). The Wheat Black Jack: Advances towards sequencing the 21 chromosomes of the bread wheat genome.  In Advances in Genomics of Plant Genetic Resources, R. Tuberosa, E. Frison, and A. Graner eds., Springer,  Ch. 17, Pp 405-439.  

E. Hood, D. Vicuna-Requesens, K. Eversole (2012). Regulatory issues of biotechnologicallyimproved plants.  In Plant biotechnology and agriculture: Prospects for the 21st century, A. Altman and P.M. Haegawa eds., Elsevier Press. Ch. 34, Pp. 541-550. 

Eversole K, Graner A, Stein N (2009).  Wheat and Barley Genome Sequencing. In Genetics and Genomics of the Triticeae.  Eds. C Feuillet and G. Muehlbauer. Pp.713-742.  

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